Video lessons
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Video lessons
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Advanced Features
Adjusting the sensitivity when playing the answer on an instrument
Using key signatures
How can I share my progress with my teacher??
Adding sharp and flat versions of a note
Using transposing instruments to answer flashcards
I sent a drill to my student, but nothing happens when they try to open it.
My answer is being marked wrong even before I have a chance to play it.
I don't have the option to send preset drills to students.
Help for Teachers
Send a preset drill to multiple students at once
How can I delete my teacher account?
Creating users to track progress
Creating a teacher account
Deleting and moving users in the list
Turning the sound off and on.
Answering flashcards by playing on a MIDI instrument
How to answer by playing the note on my instrument
Creating users to track progress
Deleting and moving users in the list
Contact Us
Contact Us
Turning the sound off and on.
Answering flashcards by playing on a MIDI instrument
How to answer by playing the note on my instrument
Creating users to track progress
Deleting and moving users in the list
Changing the length of time a player has to answer
Quickly clear all the notes in a staff.
Changing the terminology for naming notes
Accessing notes with many ledger lines